Understanding Haemorrhoids : causes and symptoms
Hemorrhoids are swollen, enlarged veins which develop inside and outside the rectum, which can cause pain and discomfort. It is also known as piles. They are very common and affect people who are over the age of 50. Hemorrhoids are of three kinds, they are :
- External : the swollen veins form underneath the skin around your anus
- Internal : Swollen veins inside your rectum
- Prolapsed : external and internal hemorrhoids prolapse, meaning they bulge out of your anus
Who’s at risk of developing hemorrhoids ?
- Obesity
- Pregnant women
- If you eat low-fiber food
- Chronic constipation
- Chronic diarrhea
- Regularly lift heavy objects
- Sit long times on the toilet
- Strain while bowel movements
Hemorrhoids can also be like varicose veins but for your rectum and anus. Any kind of straining might cause the anal veins to swell and lead to inflammation. The causes of hemorrhoids are :
- Pelvic pressure from weight gain
- Straining during bowel movements
- Straining while lifting heavy
Hemorrhoids can be extremely painful and cause discomfort but internal hemorrhoids can’t be felt generally. People don’t notice any symptoms and hence they don’t find out they have hemorrhoids. However there might be a few signs which can indicate hemorrhoids :
- Itchy anus
- Hard lumps near anus
- Severe pain
- Rectal bleeding
- Cause discomfort
However it is highly essential to be aware of it. Even if it isn’t much of a concern, it can cause quite the complications. Some people with hemorrhoids experience various complications such as anemia, blood clots, infection, loosen skin flaps, and strangulated hemorrhoids. It is highly essential to take steps to treat and take care of it. Here are a few tips :
- Stay hydrated
- Increase fiber intake
- Take a warm water bath
- Consult a professional
- Take your prescribed medications
- Stay physically active
- Don’t sit for too long on the toilet
- Avoid any sort of straining
Hemorrhoids can be quite painful and discomforting. It is highly essential to take steps and prevent it. Understanding the causes and symptoms can allow you to detect it early for early treatment and care.